Rapid Android 11 Adoption

After six months of launch, Android 11 has grown to be the fastest adopted Android OS in smartphones and tablets in the US. This was revealed by the reports from StatCounter, an analytics platform. It’s seen that Android 11 is having a 20.29% share in the Android OS market in the US.

While this has been great in the US, Android 11’s adoption outside the US is dull. May Google and its partners have worked great in the US to ship Android 11 on-time to the netizens but failed outside to do so. The Android 11 OTA update needs to push from both the device vendor and Google. Though Google already prepared it, some vendors usually delay it. While this has been the fate of Android 11, Android 10 is having a good time as it’s still the market leader with 37.43% in the US and 40.92% worldwide. This was followed by the Android 9 Pie, which has about 20.48% in the US and 19.48% market share worldwide. These three are followed by Android 8 (Oreo) and Nought with 4-5% market shares. While these statistics from StatCounter aren’t the official scores, but an estimate from the market survey, we shall wait for Google to announce the real adoption rates of Android 11 every year.

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